Bofore you have collected your field data, select your initial device failure rate.  This is the value that is used to calculate the PFDavg  
First: Enter your industy data, one of the data point should be 90% - 95% confidance (Max)  
  Industry Data #1 Industry Data #2 Industry Data #3 Industry Data #4 Industry Data #5 Industry Data #6 Industry Data #7 Industry Data #8 Industry Data #9 Industry Data #10  
MTBF (Yrs)  
Second: Select your industry Prior failure Gama distribution parameters for the data above  
  alpha <---Select an Alpha to obtain 90%-95% probabliity failure rate for Max LambdaDU (/hr)      
Max LambdaDU (/hr) <--(90%-95%)                
Avg Prior Failure Rate <---Select this as your initial failure rate (Average of Industry Data)          
Prior Use: Once the device(s) have been in use, document the failures and obtain your new failure rate  
First: Enter the testing interval, hours of operation, and number of Dangerous Undetected failures.  
  Avg Partial Proof Test Interval (Yrs);Default = 1 <---Make equal to 100% interval if no partial test    
Avg 100% Proof Test Interval (Yrs); Default = 1            
New Data #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6        
Total Hours        
# of Failures        
Second: Your New Failure rate based on selected probability confidance and your failure data  
λDU /hr                