This web page contains a live and functional spreadsheet created with
. Please enable JavaScript in your web browser for the live calculations to work properly.
Bofore you have collected your field data, select your initial device failure rate.
This is the value that is used to calculate the PFDavg
: Enter your industy data, one of the data point should be 90% - 95% confidance (Max)
Industry Data #1
Industry Data #2
Industry Data #3
Industry Data #4
Industry Data #5
Industry Data #6
Industry Data #7
Industry Data #8
Industry Data #9
Industry Data #10
MTBF (Yrs)
: Select your industry Prior failure Gama distribution parameters for the data above
<---Select an Alpha to obtain 90%-95% probabliity failure rate for Max LambdaDU (/hr)
Max LambdaDU (/hr)
Avg Prior Failure Rate
<---Select this as your initial failure rate (Average of Industry Data)
Prior Use: Once the device(s) have been in use, document the failures and obtain your new failure rate
Enter the testing interval, hours of operation, and number of Dangerous Undetected failures.
Avg Partial Proof Test Interval (Yrs);Default = 1
<---Make equal to 100% interval if no partial test
Avg 100% Proof Test Interval (Yrs); Default = 1
New Data
Total Hours
# of Failures
: Your New Failure rate based on selected probability confidance and your failure data
λDU /hr